The Crow's Nest

September 30th and it was over 80 degrees outside today, and more of this wonderful weather is forecast for the next few days. O, I know I sputtered when we had our hail storm and when the birds seemed to eat MY chokecherries, but overall we have had a beautiful summer. We have spent many wonderful nights on our deck enjoying the sights and sounds of Edinburg. Reality will kick in though as “Too Tall Tom”, our local weatherman tonight said later next week some snow could mix in with the predicted precipitation. I am just going to enjoy the moment.

It is beautiful outside now with a spectacular sunset. I have all the windows and doors open so I am listening to the crowd at the Adams-Edinburg-Edmore Homecoming football game. It is just a gorgeous night for football. The team is “ranked” in the state. Aaron Laxdal and Courtney Flanagan were named Homecoming King and Queen. Tonight A-E-E is playing Central Valley. I know Buxton is one of the schools in that co-op.

We got through our Turkey Supper just fine. We served over 500 people. It really is a fun time with people coming from miles around the area to enjoy the meal.

Talk about a meal! Park River Bible Camp held their 31st annual Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner last Sunday. They served about 1200 people from all over the state. Chuck and I took Loretta (Windingland) and Noel Moe’s place at the lutefisk cutting table. Loretta said they just hated to miss, but they had a wedding in the family. They have cut up lutefisk for years. I must say it was really quite an experience. Bennie Langerud is in charge of getting the lutefisk. It is put into 2 huge stock tanks. Bennie said the fish is caught by hooks in the North Sea. The season for catching this cod is only 10 days long. Bennie spent the day in the “lutefisk room” ready with advice when needed. Joe Holm and Bennie’s daughter, Debbie cooked all the lutefisk. Chuck and I cut the fish into serving pieces and packed it in wire baskets. The baskets (stacked 2 high) were loaded into 5 big copper boilers full of water to cook. What a production! I usually work the “lutefisk serving station” and Chuck usually “hauls” the fish between the kitchen and dining area so this really was a fun diversion. Some workers in the lutefisk kitchen were busy eating lutefisk when Chuck and I got to the Bible Camp at 9 AM. I have honestly tried for 60 years to like lutefisk, but just can not make myself think it tastes good. FOR THE UNEDUCATED: Lutefisk is a cod fish that is soaked in lye and dried and then reconstituted. Norwegians and non-Norwegians in our area really love the stuff. It is served with lots of melted butter. For those who didn’t eat lutefisk at the dinner the alternative meatballs were GRAND.

A group of Norwegians is coming to Edinburg October 13th to visit different areas around town. They are part of a tour group with Brekke Tours of Grand Forks and they are on their way to the Host Fest in Minot. Bernice Flanagan and Rosemarie Myrdal were instrumental in getting the group to come to Edinburg. They will visit the Bible Camp, Icelandic State Park, Mountain, Odalen Lutheran Church and the Edinburg General Store. Our Business Club will serve a Potato Bar with toppings in the evening at the Community Center. Janne Myrdal (a native of Norway said NOT to serve the lutefisk!) Bernice has booked a Polka Band to play music for dancing during the evening. It should be a fun, fun time for everyone. Bernice is truly the #1 Ambassador for promoting Edinburg.

Rosemary Denault is back in Germany visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Alicia and Bruce. They were going to Stuttgart today for Oktoberfest. I think this is her 3rd trip this year over to Germany. We all would like to be there with her. I know she is having a wonderful time.

The devastation of Katrina and Rita has been upper most in our thoughts and prayers. It is hard to fathom what it must be like to lose everything. It is hard to look at all the pictures on television showing such havoc. Of course, with the last hurricane named Rita I have received lots of comments. The best was from my own husband to a group of guys. He was quoted as saying, “Heck, I’ve lived with hurricane Rita for the last 41 years and the only time she’s dangerous is when she “blows”!” SO TRUE. Have a great day.


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September 30, 2005

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Simple Solutions

1. Put a wedge of lettuce leaves between slices of meat when reheating in the microwave. The lettuce keeps the meat from drying out.

2. If someone gets bubble gum in their hair, rub a teaspoon of peanut butter into the gum and work it out from the root with a paper towel. The oils dissolve the gum and won't damage the hair.

3. A shot of water or hairspray will stun a pesky fly or wasp until you can swat it with a newspaper.


"Life is the first gift, love is the second and understanding is the third."